Wednesday, March 12, 2014

BRCA1 / BRCA2 / TP53 Genetic Test Results In

Monday - March 10th - "Think NEGATIVE thoughts!"  
BRCA1 - BRCA 2 - CDH1 - PTEN - STK11 - TP53 Genetic Testing came back NEGATIVE!!!  Now what does this mean for me?  It means I get to keep MY BOOBS!!!  I think any girl would be unbelievably stoked on this news!  I literally cannot stop smiling when I think about it.  On Monday morning (after 5 painful weeks of waiting for my results) I called the genetics counselor and she had just gotten my results back.  After pleading a little bit to give me the news via email, she refused and instead squeezed me into a 445pm appointment that day.  Both Scott and my Mom met me at the Cancer Center and we met with the counselor.  When she said it was NEGATIVE the biggest relief came over me.  I cannot describe how it feels to be told that I get keep my breasts and bypass reconstructive surgery, along with keeping my ovaries.  Wow. Just Wow.  To date, every - single - test has come back GREAT and I could not feel more blessed, thankful, lucky & ALL of the above!  With my results coming back negative, I will now have a minor lumpectomy procedure done IF there is a tumor left by the time chemo is finished mid June - After, I will go through 6 weeks of radiation.  This will not be fun and radiation is a scary thing however between both options, I much prefer and hoped for this one!  
I AM FULLY DIAGNOSED FROM START TO FINISH!!!  This is it.  I am DONE with diagnosis.  There are no more tests.  This is a huge feat, I cant even tell you.  The diagnosis process is the most stressful part and now I am prepared for what's to come once chemotherapy is over with.  But to be honest, it does not put my mind at ease.  I am sitting here - 30 years old - Fighting breast cancer.  This isn't "normal" this isn't "common" and the chance for cancer in my future is higher than the average.  This does not sit well with me.  For the rest of my life I will have to be tested and every time I go into that tube or have my breasts smashed between a machine, I will have fear.  Cancer changes your life in so many ways and finding a new normal when all of this is said and done, will be interesting. 

From the beginning my thought process has been "attitude is everything" and "I will fit chemo into MY life, not the other way around" and so far I have lived & breathed this thought through smiling even when I am irritated from steroids, going for a walk even when my body hurts so bad Id rather lay in bed and redirecting my negative thoughts when fear creeps in.  I have felt the fear of the unknown and the reality of death at such a young age, but I refuse to dwell on it and I will move forward from this with more fight in me than I had going in... I will always fight for my life.  We all would, given this situation!  I was talking to a breast cancer survivor (Diana - You are amazing!) and she mentioned how interesting it is that people tell us how strong we are and that some are inspired by us and how we power through this challenging process - but we sit here and think "do I have a choice!"  That's exactly it!  What would YOU do?  What would you do if you were told that you had to fight for your life?  You cry it out, you crawl under a rock for a brief period and feel sorry for yourself... then you buck up, dust yourself off and you FIGHT!  Personally, I have 2 small children and wanting to watch them grow into amazing young men, get married and have children of there own is enough to get me through the worst of chemo's.  But if I inspire you, if my story makes you re think what truly matters or if it made you give someone an extra hug - That's enough for me and I am so very happy to have made any positive impact at all!  It makes my heart smile :)

1 comment:

  1. It was really very sad! This story is very inspiring and motivate to fight against such disease. Gene testing is helpful to find such suspect or future patient and then it is easy to avoid such disease.
    original gene
