Monday, May 19, 2014

Last Chemo T-Minus 4 days

Monday - May 19th - The Chemotional Home Stretch!   
It's finally here!  My last and final chemotherapy treatment this Friday, May 23rd.  I seriously cannot believe it!  Four months ago I was diagnosed with breast cancer and now - I hope and pray to God - I can say that I am NED (no evidence of disease) That all of these toxic chemicals being dumped into my body every 3rd week for the last 16 weeks have paid off and that my little asshole tumor has been obliterated to the fullest extent.  
In about 2 weeks I will go in for a breast MRI to see how well the treatment worked - And I have never been so hopeful AND fearful in my life.  In the beginning, being fully diagnosed was the most terrifying process I have ever been put through mentally & physically.  Then when chemo came along it was this unwelcomed battle plan of grin and bare it and you'll thank me later.  I've grinned - I've bared it - Through some shitty shit, let me tell you.  I act like this is all lollypops and rainbows but I assure you, I'm great at smiling.  After the 5th chemo, my body has given me the big F-You and I am still striving to recover from it.  Its hard to believe that there are individuals out there who do upwards of 20+ chemo cycles.  That is super human and I don't know how they do it.  I am so very thankful for my measly 6 and praying to God that this is all I will ever have to endure for the rest of my life. 
Now that this part of the process will be all said and done, I still have more to power through.  I meet with my surgeon Dr. Prier on June 30th to go over my bilateral mastectomy which will be scheduled within 2 weeks from seeing her.  Then I will have my reconstructive surgery in September/October some time.  All while still getting Herceptin infusions every 3 weeks until February 2015 and starting the oh so lovely Tamoxifen drug.  Definitely NOT looking forward to popping that pill every day...
In between I have SO MUCH to look forward to!  My 31st birthday is coming up on June 2nd - Scott and I are taking a trip to Southern CA to visit family and friends - Camping Trips planned - And all the wonderful Summer/Fall activities that Boise has to offer!  And lets not forget my hair growing back!!!!!!!!  I am beyond elated, I cant even describe :)  
My finger nails (and a few toenails) are starting to die off.
Definitely on my list of "worst symptoms ever"
 My eyelashes and Eyebrows are hanging on for dear life! 
They are about half the thickness after 4 months of chemo.

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