Friday, April 18, 2014

Chemo Day - 4th Cycle

Friday - April 11th - Chemo Dose #4

This picture pretty much sums it up for me!!  4 down and only 2 left to go.  I had a pretty easy day in the chair and enjoyed some unbelievable hospital food (no joke) and time spent with my mom!  Scott took a break from work and surprised me with a visit as well!  It was a good day.  

Now, my appointment with my oncologist was the best part!  I had a list of questions going in and she answered them all - I just love her!  She has the toughest job, I personally feel, to deliver shitty news on a daily basis and see sick people get even sicker... no thank you.  But every time I meet with her, I feel better!  I always leave with a smile on my face and a more improved outlook on my future than I did walking in.  So here's the scoop!
* She checked my tumor (left boob) and cannot feel it AT ALL! Hallelujah!  Makes all of this chemo worth it - Let me tell ya!!!  

* She LOWERED MY CHEMO BY 5-8% for the last 3 treatments. Due to my tumor responding so awesomely, she felt the need to lower my chemo to help with my symptoms such as mucositis & neuropathy which have been a pain every treatment.
* She agreed to NO RADIATION!!! Since my lymph nodes came back negative, there is no need to go through that.
* She feels that my choice to go ahead with a Bilateral Mastectomy is a good one.  I am scheduled for a surgeon consult on June 30th.  I can have my surgery 4-6 weeks after my last chemo so we are looking at Mid July. 
* St. Al's is hiring a new surgeon in September for reconstructions.  She hears that its a GREAT surgeon and is very excited!  Projected reconstruction will be in Sept / Oct some time. 
* I have an issue with going on Hormone Therapy (Tamoxifen) for the next 5 years. I let her know that it doesn't sit well with me and her response is that its a preventative measure and "icing on the cake" since this drug helps prevent reoccurrence.  I can go on it and see how I feel, however if the symptoms interfere with my daily life I can stop it immediately.  Deal!  
In other news!  I am living my life like I normally would.  The day after chemo I was out and about for my girlfriends 33rd birthday festivities!  Grant it, I do not last as long staying out in the evenings but I do my best and that is thankfully enough.  Not to mention Scott gets a built in DD now!  I have been alcohol free since the day of diagnosis (3 months ago) and its amazing how good it feels.  Oh man do I have a healthy hankering for a good Bloody Mary sometimes... but luckily Virgin Mary drinks taste exactly the same! 

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