Saturday, November 1, 2014

Right Breast Mastectomy + Full Chest Expander Reconstruction

Saturday, November 1st 2014 - The Big Kahuna of all Breast Surgeries has ARRIVED! 

Let me start off by saying - This, I hope, is the worst of it.  I have never been in so much recovery discomfort/pain in comparison to all other surgeries before this one.  Which brings me back to those infamous drainage tubes!  Last time I had ONE tube for my Left Breast Mastectomy back in June.  That tube brought me to my knees twice.  There is something about a nice (LONG) playable tube inserted about 12 inches into your chest that can get on anyones last nerve - So this time, times that by 4.  Yup. 4 drainage tubes.  I dont care who you are... you will be on the floor at some point crying hysterically because it is too much to bare and you want them all PULLED OUT!!!  Ya know, the same feeling you get during the last week of pregnancy ... 

I had my surgery on Wednesday, October 22, 2014 @ 6AM.  I knew the drill and my nerves were pocketed this time.  My lovely Scott was with me and we both joked around, laughed with the doctors and teased like we do, to make light of the situation.  God, I love that man.  I had a good idea as to the surgical process & what was to be expected - However this time Id wake up with a reconstructed rack.  HA!  To my surprise, I did not.  Now, I knew the surgeon was only going to start my Chest Expanders out with minimal fluid... but not THAT minimal!  Sheesh.  Cut this small B chested woman a break and give me something to wake up to.  Unfortunately, I will have to go through a 1-3 month process of getting a needle inserted into each breast and have about 75cc's of saline injected every few weeks.  Once I'm comfortable with my size, they will go in and swap out my expanders for my new Silicone Implants!  

Interested in what was used for my reconstruction & the process - Watch this video! Alloderm - Chest Expander Process - They used a "cadaver hamic" called Alloderm that was sewn in my chest muscle in order to hold the new implant.  Its all very intriguing how they do this, honestly.  

I was released Thursday to go back home and pretty much do a whole lot of nothing for 2 weeks.  Unfortunately I cannot take that much time off so I settled for a week and some change!  II'll be returning to work on November 3rd and I am looking forward to it!  It really keeps my mind off things and I enjoy what I do.  The pain meds have been heaven sent and I have not been shy to use them this round.  When your chest feels like its locked in a metal vice bra 24-7, you take the drugs.  

Percocet - Pain 
Lorazepam - Muscle Relaxer, helps the clenching in the upper chest a TON
Cephalexin - Antibiotics / Every 6 hours like clockwork for about 2 weeks. Super Important that I do not have an infection.  

Tips & Tricks for the Drainage Tubes
With the Chest Expanders I am not allowed to wear a bralette or zip up medical bra (that I had with my mastectomy last time).  So improvising happened!  I took two fluffy socks, safety pinned them to my pants at each hip and tucked 2 drains into each one.  This helps tremendously in having to carry them around.  I was given a long necklace of some sort to hang around my neck to hold the drains - Not a chance!!  I tried it and wanted to faint. The weight around my neck and the necklace with the drains leaning on my chest was a no go.  Also, I thought wearing loose fitting tops would feel better - negative there as well.  The snuggier the shirt the better.  Im not talking super tight, but lightly snug.  It helps the drain tubes stay against your sides without them dangling & flopping around too much - which ends up irritating the stitches that are holding the tubes in place. Always pad your drain tube site.  After each shower, I take a folded piece of gauze and tape it over the drain site as a cushion - Brilliance at its finest right there!   

Creating the Breast 

In this photo, you can see how cleaned out and concaved my "cancer" breast is post Left Breast Mastectomy.  It was so hard for me to believe that a surgeon could make a breast from that.  After the Expander Surgery with very minimal Saline, you can see that my chest is starting to form a rounded contoured breast shape.  I am very happy with the result thus far! 

Breast Cancer Awareness Day!
And lastly, our boys are awesome!  For October 24th Breast Cancer Awareness Day, their school wanted everyone to wear pink.  So a week before surgery I bought some hot pink long sleeves and puffy paint!  I designed the front and they designed the back.  They sported these so proudly that day and it makes my heart smile HUGE to see this photo!!!  

It's All About The Hair AFTER Chemo!

Saturday, November 1st 2014 - Hair After Chemo 

5 Months Post Last Chemo Hair Growth
Top Left - June 10th 2014 through Bottom Right - October 5th 2014

If there is one thing I googled more often than not, after finding out that I would be losing my hair to chemo... It was how fast does it grow BACK?!!!  Well here is a great progress photo for those in the same position - And my answer to you is that it grows back fast, however NOT fast enough!  I would read and hear things like my hair would feel as soft as bunny fur while coming in - Negative. That definitely didn't happen for me.  My texture hasn't changed, still have the some old dirty dishwater blonde that I did growing up - Except with WAY more gray!  And with that being said, my 1st Hair Dresser appointment is already scheduled for November 23rd and I cannot be more excited to get some light blonde back into my life!!  

I didn't do anything to help this growth along.  A lot of sites and blogs suggested all of these vitamins, oils, shampoo's, etc. and I just went out and bought a natural/paraben & sulfate free shampoo and conditioner.  I only wash my hair every other day or every 3 days, as I have zero oil issues.  I do not use a blow dryer or flat iron on my hair either.  The maintenance is super quick and it tends to faux hawk at the top naturally, which my little boys seem to dig!  

People often ask if I'm going to keep it short because they think its cute & it "has to be easier to upkeep now"... Well my answer is a big 'ole HECK NO to that one!  I love hair that I can use a curling iron on and braid. I am so anxious to have my long blonde hair back, I can hardly stand it.  I reminisce over photos and try hard not to do that too often, as it makes me so sad.  I miss bribing either of my two sisters to brush it and play with it every time we have Sunday Family Dinner.  I keep thinking just one more year and I will have a decent head full, to feel girly again.  Right now, you throw some reading glasses on me with no make up & this short-do and I look like a 12 year old boy about to hit puberty.  Definitely done with this phase!!!