Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Exchange Surgery - Final Phase of Reconstruction

February 4, 2015 - 1st Exchange Surgery 

Prior, I had a small chest.  I was a 34B on a good day and the plan was for me to become a very full C. The morning of my Exchange Surgery (replacing the chest expanders with silicone implants) I was not nervous at all.  I was more amped about getting the hard rock-stupidly uncomfortable expanders out of my body.  The lack of sleep alone, after 3 months of living with these bad boys, was enough to drive any woman crazy.  My surgeon had told me that this will be the "easiest surgery yet" and she was right!   


Was beyond a breeze.  I was back to work within 72 hours and doing just fine with zero pain pills.  I was not given any drainage tubes which was a huge plus.  My 1 week post-op came and I was sitting in the exam room waiting for my Surgeon.  Now, she did an unbelievable job taking me from chest expanders to implants, however I was not pleased with the size at all.  Even more so, because of the smaller implant, my mastectomy on each breast looked very concaved at the top and unnatural.  The Surgeon came in to check me out and asked how I felt with the outcome so far (please always be honest, speak up and give your total opinion regardless of how nervous you may be) I told her that "I wish I had gone bigger".  She completely understood and told me that I am the one who will live with this chest for the rest of my life, not her.  Within 30 minutes my next surgery was booked for the following month.  I went from 425CC to 550CC and cannot tell you how grateful I am - to myself - for speaking up!  I can honestly say that I don't believe any other Surgeon could have done a better job!!! 

Here it is.  Now, to be effective in showing what I had gone through during the entire reconstructive process, I needed to start at the beginning.  It is unbelievable what my surgeon has created and I am forever grateful to her, in taking such pride in her work and making sure that every woman who is on her table feels whole again.    

I was dead set on having my nipples re-created, but I have chosen NOT to have this surgery and there is a very solid reason for this!  I no longer, for the rest of my entire life, HAVE to wear a bra.  These suckers stay up real nice and don't budge worth a damn.  Grant it, they are ridiculously heavy compared to my real breasts and wearing a sports bra is at times a saving grace.  I have have opted for "3D Nipple Tattooing" but unfortunately I have to wait until my scars have lightened in color.  It has been a solid 6 months since I had my last surgery and the scars have only lightened a little.  

My state of mind involving my chest has COMPLETELY changed.  I no longer feel like I have breasts.  I have what "looks" like breasts, but after 4 surgeries on my chest - they are just that - a visual.  I am completely numb in this entire area within the victorian tabs.  (I had minimal "stickers" to work with here) 

6 Months Post Final Surgery
I have yet to gain any feeling from where my armpits start, down to below my breasts.  This has been the most emotional mind-screw for me, to know that I will never have any feeling again in my entire chest. I have taught myself rather quickly to "chuck this in the fuck-it bucket and move on..." 

1 comment:

  1. Shanna, your blog has been my go to reference during my Her2+ BC treatment! I just had my double mastectomy with immediate reconstruction (expanders placed). Thank you for being so open and honest. I hope you are doing well 💗
