Tuesday, June 24, 2014

My 31st Birthday ~ June 2

Two weeks after my final chemo was finished, I was able to celebrate my 31st Birthday!  Damn it feels good.  Moving forward in life I will never view age as a depressing milestone.  Instead, it is a privilege to grow older and I have been humbled by this. 

I celebrated with my first alcohol beverage in 5+ months!  I definitely do NOT feel the same about casually drinking.  This health scare and the fact that I have not touched alcohol since diagnosis, by choice, has really changed my view on it.  I can see myself enjoying a nice ice cold cider while camping or for a special occasion but other than that I am done with liquor.  Let me tell you - I feel DAMN GOOD about this decision and its been an easy one make! Cheers to that!!

 Throughout this cancer journey I have met so many that do not know if they will make it to their next birthday.  A few months ago during a cancer class for my two young boys - I sat in a circle with another mom that has cancer and hearing her tell everyone "I am just trying to stay alive long enough for my little girl to have memories of me when she is older" tore through my heart.  I will NEVER forget her or how these words resonated with me.


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