Sunday, July 26, 2015

My First Hair Cut

November 22, 2014

How many adult women can say they are having a "First Haircut & Color?"  Not many.  I had been anticipating this moment for a long time and growing your hair out from a buzz cut is NOT all it's cracked up to be.  No one tells you that when your hair starts to touch the tops of your ears and the nape of your neck for the first time in almost a year, that it can drive you CRAAAAAAAAZY.  Yes, truly crazy.  I had dreamt about having my long blonde hair back... but at this point all I wanted to do was find a pair of scissors and CHOP.  

During the grow out process I felt like a boy.  As my hair grew it would faux hawk out at the top, sometimes it would get a little wavy (my hair was wavy before chemo) and don't get me started on the ever evolving mullet that was happening in the back. For lack of a better term, I did not feel "pretty." Instead I felt guilt, for disliking the hair on my head.  I should have been appreciative but instead I was miserable.

Exactly 10 months, almost to the day, after my last appointment at the Salon (where I had chopped off 8 inches of hair the day of my 1st Oncology appointment) I was back in the chair and this was the result...  

I felt like a 
WOMAN again! 

I thought that there was no way she could make any sort of impact on what little hair I had - but she did! My hairdresser lopped off my lovely mullet and shaped the back and the sides around my ears.  I did not have her touch the top of my hair at all.  She highlighted heavily in the front and ombre'd down the back.  She did an unbelievable job. That whole 2 hours in the chair completely changed my attitude and I started to really appreciate what I had.  

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