Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Chemo Day - 2nd Cycle

Friday - February 28th - Chemo Dose # 2

I had missed posting about my 2nd dose of chemo on February 28th!  I hadn't realized until now, when my 3rd dose is right around the corner... I blame chemo brain.  Seriously. Forgetting things happens more often than not these days.  Unfortunately my work is suffering for it and sticky notes & calendars have become my closest companion! 

The 2nd chemo infusion was a breeze.  No joke!  I cannot believe I just wrote "a breeze + chemo" in the same sentence but I'd be lying if I said that it was just as awful as the 1st dose.  I definitely have this down - I pack my cute chemo tote with movies, magazines, slippers & candy and hunker down in the infusion chair for 3 hours to enjoy some peace out time with my mom and whomever wants to tag along! 

What was different:
* My dose was lowered by 10% due to the intense reaction the first time
* I started my steroid prescription on time (the day before chemo) 
* Took Benadryl pills the morning of chemo so I didn't have a bad Herceptin reaction 
* They started the Projeta 1st - Then Herceptin - And "best for last" Taxotere (chemo)
* Drank water like a fish the days leading up to chemo - VERY IMPORTANT!

I was a bit fatigued once the Taxotere drip started but when the infusion was done, I hopped out of bed, laced up my shoes and got the heck outta there with zero delay!  Headed home, made dinner & even vacuumed the house.  FAR CRY from dose #1 that is for sure!  After steroids the day before - day of - day after - by Monday night I was coming down with the aches once the steroids wore off.  By Tuesday I woke up feeling like I fell out of a 3 story building and landed flat on my back (took the day off work).  The body ache is unlike anything I have felt in my life & my bones just outright hurt - This is when my good friend NORCO comes in!!  After an hour or so I start to feel functional and need to move around.  Moving my body and making sure to just walk is actually very helpful rather than posting up in bed all day.  I ended up walking the mall that day, top and bottom and by the evening I could have crawled under a rock.  Instead we headed to our CLIMB class at the hospital for the boys and they had a great time once again! 

I somehow kept my emotional breakdowns to just 1 for the week.  I had dropped the boys off at school before I headed into work and when my youngest leaned over to hug me, everywhere he had touched just hurt.  My body felt bruised and I just needed him to not hug so hard.  That was it for me, I cried like a baby on my way to work and called Scott and my Mom to commiserate.  It broke my heart that I couldn't take in a hug from my child.  The worst. Feeling. Ever. And it broke me down.   

By Wednesday I was feeling better and continued to go up hill from there.  My symptoms were very well existent but managed this round with my army of prescriptions, vitamins, etc.  I had this down and was not going to be defeated this time, nor show up at my doctors office crying for help again!!!  With that said, it was in fact by far a lot easier than my 1st time.  And NO FACE BREAKOUTS!  Oh dear gawd was I nervous about this.  I had a wonderful Oxygen Facial from the amazing Theresa at Blessence the day before chemo and was on my skin regimen like white on rice to avoid that horrific inflammation and blistering again.  I will take on any symptom but NOT THAT again!   

I had finally accepted some dinner help and so happy I did and thankful for those who came by with a meal for us during that week.  I try very hard to work 40 hours the week after chemo and by the time I'm home, standing up to cook dinner for all of us is the last thing I am capable of doing.  It was SUCH a relief to know that I didn't have to cook!  A huge thank you to those who stepped in and did this for our family - You are so very appreciated, more than you know!!! Having to accept help is a very difficult thing to do.  I don't know about you, but I would rather do something myself than ask for help because its difficult to relinquish a duty that I feel I should be doing - regardless of my ability to do so.  Its a mom thing I suppose!  But this is the best time than any, to give it up and let go of the reigns.  The support and love I have all around me has been a driving force and my Thank You's cannot come out of my mouth fast enough  <3 

My good friend Sarah stopping by for Chemo Day!

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