Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Embracing Baldness


Seriously jonesing for my hair today.  Luckily I have way more GOOD days than I do bad in this department... However I just want to "look normal" again.  The attention that this hairdo grabs is starting to wear on me and I'm opting for beanies more often than not when it comes to being in public.  I get out and about and usually score a compliment or two every time but my sarcasm has not been appreciated lately, "You are rocking that hair cut, I wish I could pull that off!!" - My response - "Thanks! Its called the chemo cut".  Yeah, not funny anymore.  I find myself looking at old pictures and even missing the hair I inherited from my Dad, you know that whole finger-in-light-socket look with a bit of wavy frizz & rock 'n roll (middle photo!)  I successfully pulled off the 80's hairband look by simply stepping out of the shower ... and then spent a good 30min straightening and curling the mop.  Now, Id give about anything to have it back!   

My search for hats, scarfs, beanies and wraps is ON!  I already have a large collection and you know that feeling when you put an outfit on and you are so not feeling it.  Well, I get that feeling with my outfit AND with my cap that does not match quite right.  Double whammy!  I completely dig visor beanies right now and I am on a desperate search to find one in every single color under the sun!!!  No one tells you about how unbelievably COLD it is with zero hair.  My PJ's consist of long sleeves, sweat pants, socks & a thick cap.  So not sexy - Poor Scott!  But at the end of the day, this is what's cool about losing my hair (yes, I have a silver lining) once chemo is over with in June, it will take about 2 months for me to start growing hair and how cool is it to start fresh with new, untouched hair that has zero dye & heat damage!  Yeah, I have to be a total baldy and find new meaning with head wear and massive amounts of eye liner... but what woman wouldn't want a new head of hair?!  Not to mention the chemo curl I am hoping for :)  I think of this and grin from ear to ear and I get so excited!

Becoming more of a baldy these days, rather than the G.I. Jane look!
 Sporting my fave - the visor beanie, at the Lady Antebellum concert!

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