Wednesday, February 5, 2014

A Simple Hug!

I have been receiving quite a few of these little pictures lately and this one has to be my favorite!  I have not been able to give or receive a full, hearty and loving hug in almost a week due to my incisions healing.  It sure makes one appreciate how good a simple hug can feel.  So here's the deal... hug someone and appreciate how it makes you feel!  
Because I would give a whole 'lotta somethin' to have a solid hug right now.

Much Love 


  1. Just read your blog, Shanna. I am so sorry to hear about your breast cancer. Your positive attitude and level of candor are admirable. Thanks for this post about not taking hugs for granted. I'm going to grab my honey and give him a big hug as soon as I finish writing this. Good luck on your journey this year! I promise to keep you and your family in my prayers.

  2. Thank you so much for your words :)

  3. hey sweet girl... we are praying for you, Scott and the boys. We are squeezing you tight with big hugs. Your strength and courage inspires us all and reminds us to appreciate the loved ones around us each day. I know you have mad love and support around you. Know that we are sending you good vibes from the OC. Continue to be strong Shanna and we will continue to follow your blog and watch you "kicks cancer's ass"! I know you can do this!
    Love, Gabrielle, Jason & Tanner

  4. Thank you, to the three of you! Big hugs back <3
