Sunday, February 9, 2014

Chemo Day - 1st Cycle

Friday - February 7th - 1st Day of Chemo
19 Days Post Diagnosis 

This day was FULL of great news!  Despite heading into my 1st round of chemotherapy I was given wonderful results that sent me into the infamous recliner with a smile on my face.  I arrived at the St. Alphonsus Cancer Care Center (Boise, ID) @ 8:30am with Scott & my mom in tow!  Immediately I was checked in and had my IV Port accessed for the 1st time to do blood work to make sure my levels were good and I was cleared for the Chemo.  Thank goodness for the numbing cream they provide.  I had slopped that stuff on my port an hour prior to the port being accessed and did not feel a thing.  The nurse popped the needle in without a hitch and I had gained HUGE appreciation for my new friend that is sewn into my chest. I get it now.  I get why the IV Port idea is scary at first but after the journey begins, it makes it bearable and without mutilating my arms.  I have grown thankful for this little thing! 

After the blood was drawn I was called in to meet with my oncologist and did not know what I was walking into. Scott, my mom and I waited for Dr. Hodson to come in and give us a run down of what to expect on my 1st day.  That lady walked in with a huge smile and said "Your PET scan came back clear!"  I had gotten the results much quicker than expected (within 24hrs) and was floored.  This means I have no other assholes devouring sugar in my body and trying to create a team of cancer cells that want to kill me!  THIS - IS - FANTASTIC - NEWS!  I was on an instant high.  Sentinel Biopsy - Negative / MRI - Negative / PET Scan - Negative / Prayers & Positive Mojo - Working / God - Amazing / Wow!  
And... The news got better... I was the first patient of hers that was approved through my particular insurance to receive the newer FDA approved Anti-Body "Projeta" to tag team with the Anti-Body Herceptin (for my HER2 positive diagnosis).  Meaning 2 bad asses tag teaming my little asshole tumor.  With this news means, the Projeta will replace one of my chemotherapies.  

New Treatment Plan: Instead of 2 Chemos (1x every 3 weeks) + 1 Anti Body (1x a week) - I now get 1 Chemo + 2 Anti Bodies (1x every 3 weeks)

I just shaved off 12 doctor visits for the next 5 months.  We all sat there with just a look of awe and amazement and I am still floored!

Here is how the chemo chair went from 10:30am - 3:30pm:
Steroid Injection - I had not picked up my prescription for my steroid pills prior so they had to inject the Steroids into my port.  This prevents nausea and gives a wee boost of energy (lies!) I was also given nausea pills to help as well and they did.

90 Min Herceptin - I had an instant allergic reaction as if I had inhaled smoke and it was filling up my chest.  I could grin and bare it but glad I spoke up immediately.  I was having a reaction to the Infusion in general and they quickly popped Benadryl in my IV to counteract.  The Benadryl hit me like a ton of bricks, instantly tired and very loopy.  Almost as if I pounded an entire bottle of wine.  After about 10 min. those symptoms tapered off and I was good to go! The rest of the drip went great.

90 Min Projeta - Went great!  No further reactions.

90 Min Taxotere - I am happy they saved the chemo for last.  I became light headed, loopy and fatigued.  This lasted the entire duration of the drip.  My coloring turned from a normal light pink to a jaundice yellow.  After the drip was done the symptoms slowly faded.  

When the nurse pulled the needle from my port I didn't feel much at all, just a slight pressure.  I headed home and the fatigue and loopiness was still present.  I got home and immediately walked my dog in the snow to shake the chemo buzz off and it worked wonders.  I had noticed that moving around and staying active helped far more than hitting the couch.  The symptoms had subsided and I was off to bed pretty early!  
Day 2 - Slept great and I woke up and felt good.  I was fatigued all day however again,  as long as I kept moving I had energy.  The moment I had laid down, I could have slept all day long, easily!  I took my nausea pills as well as my steroid pills.  With the steroid pills I will have to take them AM & PM the day before Chemo - Day of Chemo - Day after Chemo for every treatment.    

Day 3 - Slept great again and woke up feeling excellent!  Plenty of energy and feeling the most "normal" I have felt since being diagnosed.  

Day 4 - Slept well, however I woke up to my face & neck broken out in whiteheads, acne & red bumps.  By the time I got to work @ 8:30am I had the following symptoms come on like gangbusters:

- Nausea
- Neck & Shoulders ache
- Tongue feels burnt and is a bit sore when I swallow
- My skin itches all over and I have little bumps on my scalp that itch as well
- Fatigue
- Constipation

 On the Taxotere drip - Not my fave

** Chemo Care Bag **  
Thanks to my amazing Momma and cousin Kristen, they bought this adorable tote bag with all the goodies I would need for the long day!

Cozy Socks 
Ginger Candies 
(To offset the medicine taste with the infusions)
Cozy Blanket 
Books / Magazines 
Water Jug 
Chap Stick 

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