Sunday, February 9, 2014

9 Days Post Sentinel Biopsy + IV Port

Everything is healing up nicely!  My port looks amazing after just 1 week and my incision from the Sentinel Biopsy is cleaning up very well. I was a little worried about how puffy this incision was but understandably so with it being in such a stretchy area.  

This morning was the first time since surgery that the port didn't feel like a weight sitting on my chest.  Such a pleasant feeling and finally accepting this little dude as apart of my life line! It does creep me out a bit when it gets touched or bumped - Ick! But our boys think its the coolest thing ever so that's a plus :)  

In trying to explain this process to our two boys, we had showed them a picture of the port that was going to be inserted into my chest.  We described this little thing as the superhero that would take superpowers to my tumor and kill it.  Just describing this little alien looking thing that you can clearly see through the skin, as a superhero and the tumor as a bad guy - they understood at the age of 5 & 7.  

The incision for my lymph node has its sore moments.  I think this is due to the fact that I had the Core Needle Biopsy done 2 weeks prior and then for the doc to head back on in there, the lymph nodes were not pleased!  I have had minor numbing sensations through my under arm near the incision but it has subsided quite a bit each day. 

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