Thursday, February 20, 2014

Brief Update

No complaints here - I have been on the up and up since Saturday morning!!   The 7 days post chemo were not favorable but I made it through and now have boxing gloves on for the next round!  I now know what to expect and I am WAY more prepared with my army of prescriptions / vitamins / baby wipes / heating pads and facial regime.  Aside from the occasional UTI symptoms and the burning-tingle in the palms of my hands and bottom of my feet... Id say I am doing excellent!  My energy is through the roof and I have a new appreciation for moving around and getting things done without feeling unbearably exhausted. 

I am thoroughly enjoying this time - DOCTOR FREE - and learning what my "new normal" is.  I think I have this down!  It is starting to feel like I am me again (aside from the every 3rd week hiccup called Chemo) during the in between I have somewhat found my footing after the diagnosis storm has come and gone.  I am a positive person however I know better not to put all my eggs in one basket because the feedback I have gotten is that the chemo only gets worse as you go each time and the symptoms become more taxing.  So I am going to be very appreciative of this time and do what I can to keep comfortable until it is all over with mid-June.

In regards to my symptoms - My face is healing nicely!  I have been on antibiotics for 1 week now and doing my face regimen day and night.  My UTI symptom comes and goes as long as I obsessively drink water! And the burning sensation in my palms and feet are very bearable - Just uncomfortable. 

So that is THAT!  Next chemo is Friday 2/28 until then all I am waiting on is my BRCA1 / BRCA2 gene to come back in.  This result will dictate how much of my woman-hood will be taken out of my body.  Positive = Bilateral Mastectomy + Ovaries removed.  Negative = Lumpectomy + Radiation.  I am praying my little heart out for a NEGATIVE!!!  My tumor has downsized rapidly after only 1 chemo treatment, so I am confident that a very small lumpectomy surgery will be all that is needed.  To my amazing village of family and friends, please spread your awesome mojo out into the universe and pray for a Negative Test Result.  Thank you always!


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