Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Cut It All Off!

Tuesday - February 25th - I buzzed my locks & Got Scott out of a Speeding Ticket!

Oh boy was this OVER DUE!  I had tried very hard to keep my hair pinned back and in a cap to contain what hair I had left in order to make it to the St. Baldrick's Foundation Event as a Shavee... but the soreness in my scalp and the wads of hair falling out were too much.  I made an informed decision after spending some time in the ER that afternoon, that it was all COMING OFF ASAP!  In Jones Family Fashion we turned it into a fun evening and got everyone involved - Scott, my Dad, Mom & both Kiddos!  I first handed over the scissors to my mom.  She has had a cute pixie cut for a long time now and I thought how fun to see if she can duplicate it with my hair!  She did a great job - Now I know who I'll go to when my hair is in transition while growing back in!  I let the boys take a few snips as well.  After, I let Scott and my Dad go at it with the clippers.  After going through a brief Miley Cyrus phase and major laughs that came with it - I became a baldy and absolutely LOVE it!!!  There is zero weight on my head and I no longer have a sore scalp.  On top of that I cut my "get ready time" down to 15 minutes.  My gawd, what woman wouldn't love that!  Now, I will still be attending the St. Baldrick's event to support and sport my baldness with my family and friends.  Looking forward to it!
On our way home Scott says "roll down the window babe, see how it feels on your head!"  So I'm feeling the wind in my "hair" and laughing... then BAM flashing lights from a cop behind us.  Oh man, Scott was bummed.  I confidently say "No worries, Ill get us outta this with my cancer" (Finding humor in this whole experience is a MUST!)  The cop comes to the window and informs Scott that he was doing 45 in a 35 zone.  Crap.  Cop asks "Where are you guys coming from?"  Scott replies "heading home from our parents house" Cop asks why.  "I just shaved my head!" and I lean over so he can see my baldness!!  (I am seriously all shits and giggles at this point).  Cop looks at me and goes "Why did you do THAT??"  ... I let him know that I have breast cancer and he says "Oh yeah, we all shave our heads for the St. Baldrick's foundation every year!"  I tell him how I was trying to save my hair for the same event but it was too painful so we lopped it off and I was checking out how it feels to have my head in the wind - Hence Scott not paying attention to the speed limit!  Cop's response "Have a good night guys" and hands us Scott's DL back.  BOOM!!  Handled it with my damn cancer :) 
My little audience got involved with the scissors!

Mom and I with the same cut for a moment!!
Now the boys turn! 
Miley Cyrus Phase. Ha!
All is done & feeling great
My man <3

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