Saturday, February 15, 2014

Compliments of Chemo

Warning: I am about to complain!

Thursday - February 12th - I'm a little fed up

I have just about had it. I was crying on and off in the comfort of my office at work & couldn't take the pain in my body, my face & then I lose a nice little wad of hair after simply scratching my scalp because of my head sores. Not to mention waking up to a fiery burn in my ENTIRE downstairs area. That was IT! I was going to have a mini-breakdown. My office village collectively kicked me out so I could rest at home. I tend to be an overachiever but the work day was becoming difficult & I needed to just "give it up." I have been working full time hours with part time hospital visits while keeping things normal at home. I've outdone myself and have finally come to terms with the fact that there is no prize at the end of this - except my health. 

I left work and the doctor bumped my appointment up to that day (instead of next). On my way, I took an hour at the grocery store going down every single isle grabbing whatever I thought would be possible for me to eat.  I had already lost 5lbs in 1 week due to the acid pain that came with ANYTHING I attempted to put in my mouth. Losing weight is a huge no-no in the chemo/doctor world.  After, I headed to the appointment and Scott had met me there. 

We met with the nurse practitioner - Loved her!! We sat there listing out every symptom under the sun that I was having and Scott's face was priceless! He knew I was in pain but I don't think he knew (nor did I verbalize) how bad it was.  For the 1st time in ever, I was a #7 on the little happy-face pain scale. Even when I was in labor with my two boys, I never exceeded a 3 or so. I can handle my sh!t just fine but chemo is breaking me down.  Even my cup-o-pee that I have to do every doc visit, showed that I had a UTI on top of everything else. I was a MESS!

My oncologist popped in and took a look at my face and was in absolute shock - Her first words were "Now THAT is NOT suppose to happen." She said there was a chemo rash that happens but not this severe and obviously I'm sensitive - NO KIDDING! After we all came up with a symptom/recovery game plan, the NP asked if I had checked on the little asshole of a lump since my 1st Chemo. No, actually I hadn't. I felt it right then and WHOA MOMMA my tumor is SHRINKING! In 1 week my tumor is now flatter and the texture is different. It use to feel like a solid hard little egg with divots in it, almost like a golf ball. Now THAT made my symptoms worth it! I walked out of the office with a smile which was a far cry from how I felt when I went in. 

I have never been a pill girl. If I had a headache in the past, I'd ride it out before I took IBU. However I've become "Pill Popper Extraordinaire" overnight! And there is science to this. Thank God for Scott's brain because I would forget what pill is for what, every day. With the pain, I explained to the NP that I am not a pain killer kinda gal and she looked at me cross eyed. It's all about managing it and it's something I needed to learn. They prescribed Norco after my surgery & 2 of those sent me to candy land for about 8+ hours and I hate that out of control feeling!  So we came up with this - 1/2 of a Norco then if in 30 min I still have pain take the other 1/2. And what do you know?! I've been body pain free & completely functioning with a pep in my step since my doc visit!  I am slowly but surely getting this down :) 

The life of a chemo chic!

The Game Plan!

Vitamins - Glutamine & Alfalfa
Baking Soda - Mouth rinse after every meal
Instant Breakfast - Protein boost. To help with my lack of eating due to the acid pain in my throat.
Baby Wipes - Can no longer use TP :(
Pepcid AC + Omeprazole Prescription - To help me eat without acid pain. 
Bacterium Prescription - Antibiotic for my face. Already working! My face is now scabbing over and peeling. 
Benadryl - For the lovely ring of fire in the downstairs area. 
Imodium - For the diarrhea 
Stool Softener - For the constipation
Norco - For the pain. Moderate use for the week after chemo. 

My Face - Day 7 post chemo 

I will be shaving my head soon. The weight of my hair is painful and I need to either have it in a cap or pinned up for comfort. So with the baldness + teenage acne... I'm sure as heck going to rock this!!!


  1. Ok so I was going to post something super emotional but deleted it. Instead, I'll go with witty (even though I have tears in my eyes). Hey, you are getting a skin peel to go along with your chemo!!!! Women PAY to have their skin peeled for vanity and heck, you get yours complimentary! :) Hang in there girl. My heart is feeling for ya and it's big. XO

  2. Thank You Lovely <3 I am definitely getting a chemo-face-overhaul!!! Its a great excuse to see my amazing esthetician more often :)
