Tuesday, February 4, 2014

IV Port & Sentinel Biopsy

Friday - January 31st - My 1st Anesthesia Experience 

I had a very LONG Friday.  One of my surgeons decided to kick off my weekend with a 5:30am check in time for surgery!

Scott and I arrived and I was immediately hooked up to an IV and escorted (pushed around on a bed) to the local Nuclear Radiology room.  I was given 4 injections around my left nipple and it was NOT as painful as I had anticipated.  Honestly, I would do this procedure 10x over if it meant never doing a Core Needle Biopsy again. 

These injections light up my lymph nodes near the tumor in my left breast.  Whichever lymph node lights up first, would be considered the Sentinel Lymph Node and will be removed during surgery and tested right then and there for cancer cells. 

At about 9:15am I was given a nice dose of anesthesia. Never in my life have I been put under - and on a breathing tube!  The procedure consisted of my IV Port being placed under the skin in my chest, as well as the removal of the Sentinel Lymph Node.  Upon waking up, my recovery nurse informed me that the lymph node came back NEGATIVE for cancer cells!!!  I - Started - Balling!  I don't think I have ever cried so much over happiness IN MY LIFE.  I sure sobered up from anesthesia after that and was happily rolled into my hospital room where Scott and my Mom came in to see me.  My surgeon was genuinely shocked with the results.  He had already told my family, before I arrived after surgery.  Tears all around. 

From the moment of diagnosis, the lymph nodes were my biggest concern.  Once the cancer flows into that traffic system, the diagnosis changes.  In my mind half the battle has now been fought!  Now onto the PET Scan and then Chemo.  

Side note: Apparently breathing tubes get rid of gnarly coughs! I have had a ridiculous hack for the last 2+ months.  Since I have woken up from my surgery - NOT ONE COUGH! Crazy, right! Gain a port, lose a cough. Not too shabby.

My life line :)
I told my surgeon he better be kind with the incision... because he was responsible for how BIG the tattoo would be when I go to cover up the scar next year!

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