Tuesday, February 18, 2014


There is something that happens when you are diagnosed with cancer - You feel downright alone. Even though you have the 2nd most common killer in the world living inside of you - You feel alone.  Its baffling how that happens.  The most important thing to do is work so very hard on picking your booty up, move forward and gradually lift yourself out of that funk.  For me, the lift off and the happily extended middle finger toward the gutter I was leaving... was because I was handed the best possible outcome a cancer patient can get.  I got lucky. I use the word lucky (and not blessed, etc.) because everyone diagnosed is blessed with the time left that they are given, months or years.  However, I am lucky enough that my body kept the tumor at bay.  With every test that comes back with favorable results is a miracle and I fully believe in the power of prayer.
With that said, my own personal village of amazing family and wonderful friends pulled together and have done nothing but support, love, encourage, lift & (kindly) overload me with kick ass beat cancer information - And for this I Thank You!  I truly feel I would not be as positive and strong throughout this uncomfortable process, without you.  Through this I have also seen the strength in YOU as an individual and there are relationships that have grown deeper because I have cancer.  What an amazing and beautiful thing.  I have laughed and I have cried with so many of you in the last month and I just simply thank you for your support, your love, your prayers, your crossed fingers and your good mojo vibes that you have put out into the universe - Because I feel they have been answered.  You are amazing. 
Much Love Always,
As for Scott and I, we are truly learning what "for better or for worse" means!  He has been a pillar of strength wearing many hats in our house since my diagnosis.  His support has been unbelievable and the growth in our relationship has been unlike anything I could have hoped for.  I am thankful for him every day and thank God that he was brought back into my life.  Amazing how all of this has unfolded - And I would not have it any other way!

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