Tuesday, February 25, 2014

CT Scan & Blood Work

Tuesday - February 25th - Hospital Wait Times Suck!

How did you spend your Tuesday?! We took a 4hr trip to the ER... Gotta love chemo - It's like the gift that keeps on giving (or that holiday fruit cake that nobody can stand but somehow gets re-gifted to you. Yuck.) The day was great and then HELLO loss of eye sight. My left eye lost about 1/2 it's vision and my peripheral was off on my right side. Lasted about 15 minutes and then a migraine set in like gang busters. Of coarse I'm at work and instantly unable to function. Nausea & other tummy issues set in immediately and I called the doctor. Being a cancer patient no symptom is a small one, they are all treated with red flags so off to the ER I went! Scott & my mom and Dad met me there and so the wait began... 
After 4hrs my labs came back excellent! Which is great news. My white blood cell count is "normal" and the doc said it looks like I didn't take a blood cell hit with my 1st round of chemo. A CT scan was done to check for brain bleed and it came back clear. So all in all nothing a massive amount of Aleve couldn't fix but of coarse I have to error on the side of caution. I am such a grin and bare it kinda gal so having people fuss over a migraine made me feel ridiculous but I am so thankful I went in. If not for a clean blood work panel, than for quality time with Scott & his humor!! 

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