Monday, February 24, 2014

Hair Loss

UGH!  ... In chemo fashion, the major hair loss happened over night.  A week ago I had started to lose a few strands more than "normal" - Then over night it started coming out in wads.  This morning I shampooed my hair but not without losing a ton of it, so I will definitely be washing my hair sparingly in order to make it to the St. Baldrick's foundation shaving event!  I have 12 more days, so here's to hoping I can make it without taking clippers to my head first!!!  I am so ready to be bald.  I know that seems funny but truly I cannot wait.  The soreness and itch in my scalp from the weight of my hair is unnerving sometimes and I'm already wearing hats daily so why not shave off (no pun intended) some time in the mornings when getting ready for work!  There is zero emotional attachment to my hair at this point.  That has come and gone... Thankfully.  Now onto my collection of beautiful knitted hats! Thank you to everyone who has mailed, knitted, gifted wonderful hats for me to wear.  It is SO very much appreciated and I love them!

Hair Loss - Post 1st Chemo 14 days

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